Source code for benford.benford

import warnings
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
from numpy import arange, log10, ones, abs, cos, sin, pi, mean
from .constants import CONFS, DIGS, SEC_ORDER_DIGS, REV_DIGS, TEST_NAMES, \
from .checks import _check_digs_, _check_confidence_, _check_test_, \
    _check_num_array_, _check_high_Z_
from .utils import _set_N_, input_data, prepare, \
    subtract_sorted, prep_to_roll, mad_to_roll, mse_to_roll, \
from .expected import _get_expected_digits_ # First, Second, LastTwo
from .viz import _get_plot_args, plot_digs, plot_sum, plot_ordered_mantissas,\
    plot_mantissa_arc_test, plot_roll_mse, plot_roll_mad
from .reports import _inform_, _report_mad_, _report_test_, _deprecate_inform_,\
from .stats import Z_score, chi_sq, chi_sq_2, kolmogorov_smirnov,\
    kolmogorov_smirnov_2, _bhattacharyya_distance_, _bhattacharyya_coefficient,\
    _kullback_leibler_divergence_, _mantissas_ks_

[docs]class Base(DataFrame): """Internalizes and prepares the data for Analysis. Args: data: sequence of numbers to be evaluated. Must be a numpy 1D array, a pandas Series or a pandas DataFrame column, with values being integers or floats. decimals: number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign: tells which portion of the data to consider. pos: only the positive entries; neg: only negative entries; all: all entries but zeros. Defaults to all.` Raises: TypeError: if not receiving `int` or `float` as input. """ def __init__(self, data, decimals, sign='all', sec_order=False): DataFrame.__init__(self, {'seq': data}) if (self.seq.dtype != 'float') & (self.seq.dtype != 'int'): raise TypeError("The sequence dtype was neither int nor " "float. Convert it to whether int of float, " "and try again.") if sign == 'all': self.seq = self.seq.loc[self.seq != 0] elif sign == 'pos': self.seq = self.seq.loc[self.seq > 0] else: self.seq = self.seq.loc[self.seq < 0] self.dropna(inplace=True) ab = self.seq.abs() if self.seq.dtype == 'int': self['ZN'] = ab else: if decimals == 'infer': self['ZN'] = ab.astype(str).str\ .replace('.', '', regex=False)\ .str.lstrip('0')\ .str[:5].astype(int) else: self['ZN'] = (ab * (10 ** decimals)).astype(int) # First digits for col in ['F1D', 'F2D', 'F3D']: temp = self.ZN.loc[self.ZN >= 10 ** (REV_DIGS[col] - 1)] self[col] = (temp // 10 ** ((log10(temp).astype(int)) - (REV_DIGS[col] - 1))) # fill NANs with -1, which is a non-usable value for digits, # to be discarded later. self[col] = self[col].fillna(-1).astype(int) # Second digit temp_sd = self.loc[self.ZN >= 10] self['SD'] = (temp_sd.ZN // 10**((log10(temp_sd.ZN)).astype(int) - 1)) % 10 self['SD'] = self['SD'].fillna(-1).astype(int) # Last two digits temp_l2d = self.loc[self.ZN >= 1000] self['L2D'] = temp_l2d.ZN % 100 self['L2D'] = self['L2D'].fillna(-1).astype(int)
[docs]class Test(DataFrame): """Transforms the original number sequence into a DataFrame reduced by the ocurrences of the chosen digits, creating other computed columns Args: base: The Base object with the data prepared for Analysis digs: Tells which test to perform: 1: first digit; 2: first two digits; 3: furst three digits; 22: second digit; -2: last two digits. confidence (int, float): confidence level to draw lower and upper limits when plotting and to limit the top deviations to show. limit_N (int): sets a limit to N as the sample size for the calculation of the Z scores if the sample is too big. Defaults to None. Attributes: N: Number of records in the sample to consider in computations ddf: Degrees of Freedom to look up for the critical chi-square value chi_square: Chi-square statistic for the given test KS: Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic for the given test MAD: Mean Absolute Deviation for the given test confidence: Confidence level to consider when setting some critical values digs (int): numerical representation of the test at hand. 1: F1D; 2: F2D; 3: F3D; 22: SD; -2: L2D. sec_order (bool): True if the test is a Second Order one """ def __init__(self, base, digs, confidence, limit_N=None, sec_order=False): # create a separated Expected distributions object super(Test, self).__init__(_get_expected_digits_(digs)) # create column with occurrences of the digits in the base self['Counts'] = base[DIGS[digs]].value_counts() # create column with relative frequencies self['Found'] = base[DIGS[digs]].value_counts(normalize=True) self.fillna(0, inplace=True) # create column with absolute differences self['Dif'] = self.Found - self.Expected self['AbsDif'] = self.Dif.abs() self.limit_N = _set_N_(len(base), limit_N) self['Z_score'] = Z_score(self, self.limit_N) self.ddf = len(self) - 1 self.chi_square = chi_sq_2(self) self.KS = kolmogorov_smirnov_2(self) self.MAD = self.AbsDif.mean() self.MSE = (self.AbsDif ** 2).mean() self.bhattacharyya_coefficient = _bhattacharyya_coefficient( self.Found.values, self.Expected.values) self.bhattacharyya_distance = _bhattacharyya_distance_( self.Found.values, self.Expected.values) self.kullback_leibler_divergence = _kullback_leibler_divergence_( self.Found.values, self.Expected.values) self.confidence = confidence self.digs = digs self.sec_order = sec_order if sec_order: = TEST_NAMES[SEC_ORDER_DIGS[digs]] else: = TEST_NAMES[DIGS[digs]]
[docs] def update_confidence(self, new_conf, check=True): """Sets a new confidence level for the Benford object, so as to be used to produce critical values for the tests Args: new_conf: new confidence level to draw lower and upper limits when plotting and to limit the top deviations to show, as well as to calculate critical values for the tests' statistics. check: checks the value provided for the confidence. Defaults to True """ if check: self.confidence = _check_confidence_(new_conf) else: self.confidence = new_conf
@property def critical_values(self): """dict: a dictionary with the critical values for the test at hand, according to the current confidence level.""" crit_ks = CRIT_KS[self.confidence] / (self.limit_N ** 0.5) if self.confidence\ else None return {'Z': CONFS[self.confidence], 'KS': crit_ks, 'chi2': CRIT_CHI2[self.ddf][self.confidence], 'MAD': MAD_CONFORM[self.digs]}
[docs] def show_plot(self, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None): """Draws the test plot. Args: save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. """ x, figsize, text_x = _get_plot_args(self.digs) plot_digs(self, x=x, y_Exp=self.Expected, y_Found=self.Found, N=self.limit_N, figsize=figsize, conf_Z=CONFS[self.confidence], text_x=text_x, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs )
[docs] def report(self, high_Z='pos', show_plot=True, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None): """Handles the report especific to the test, considering its statistics and according to the current confidence level. Args: high_Z (int): chooses which Z scores to be used when displaying results, according to the confidence level chosen. Defaluts to 'pos', which will highlight only values higher than the expexted frequencies; 'all' will highlight both extremes (positive and negative); and an integer, which will use the first n entries, positive and negative, regardless of whether Z is higher than the critical value or not. show_plot: calls the show_plot method, to draw the test plot save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. """ high_Z = _check_high_Z_(high_Z) _report_test_(self, high_Z, self.critical_values) if show_plot: self.show_plot(save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs)
[docs]class Summ(DataFrame): """Gets the base object and outputs a Summation test object Args: base: The Base object with the data prepared for Analysis test: The test for which to compute the summation """ def __init__(self, base, test): super(Summ, self).__init__(base.abs() .groupby(test)[['seq']] .sum()) self['Percent'] = self.seq / self.seq.sum() self.columns.values[0] = 'Sum' self.expected = 1 / len(self) self['AbsDif'] = (self.Percent - self.expected).abs() self.index = self.index.astype(int) #: Mean Absolute Deviation for the test self.MAD = self.AbsDif.mean() self.MSE = (self.AbsDif ** 2).mean() #: Confidence level to consider when setting some critical values self.confidence = None # (int): numerical representation of the test at hand self.digs = REV_DIGS[test] # (str): the name of the Summation test. = TEST_NAMES[f'{test}_Summ']
[docs] def show_plot(self, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None): """Draws the Summation test plot Args: save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. """ figsize=(2 * (self.digs ** 2 + 5), 1.5 * (self.digs ** 2 + 5)) plot_sum(self, figsize, self.expected, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs)
[docs] def report(self, high_diff=None, show_plot=True, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None): """Gives the report on the Summation test. Args: high_diff: Number of records to show after ordering by the absolute differences between the found and the expected proportions show_plot: calls the show_plot method, to draw the Summation test plot save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. """ _report_test_(self, high_diff) if show_plot: self.show_plot(save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs)
[docs]class Mantissas: """Computes and holds the mantissas of the logarithms of the records Args: data: sequence to compute mantissas from. numpy 1D array, pandas Series of pandas DataFrame column. confidence: confidence level for computing the critical values to compare with some statistics """ def __init__(self, data, confidence=95, limit_N=None): data = Series(_check_num_array_(data)) data = data.dropna().loc[data != 0].abs() self.limit_N = _set_N_(len(data), limit_N) #: (DataFrame): pandas DataFrame with the mantissas = DataFrame({'Mantissa': get_mantissas(data.abs())}) self.confidence = confidence @property def stats(self): # (dict): Dictionary with the mantissas statistics ks, crit_ks = _mantissas_ks_(, self.confidence, self.limit_N) return {'Mean':, 'Var':, 'Skew':, 'Kurt':, 'KS': ks, 'KS_critical': crit_ks}
[docs] def update_confidence(self, new_conf, check=True): """Sets a new confidence level for the Benford object, so as to be used to produce critical values for the tests Args: new_conf: new confidence level to draw lower and upper limits when plotting and to limit the top deviations to show, as well as to calculate critical values for the tests' statistics. check: checks the value provided for the confidence. Defaults to True """ if check: self.confidence = _check_confidence_(new_conf) else: self.confidence = new_conf
[docs] def report(self, show_plot=True, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None): """Displays the Mantissas test stats. Args: show_plot: shows the Ordered Mantissas plot and the Arc Test plot. Defaults to True. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. """ _report_mantissa_(self.stats, confidence=self.confidence) if show_plot: self.show_plot(save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs) self.arc_test(save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs)
[docs] def show_plot(self, figsize=(12, 6), save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None): """Plots the ordered mantissas and a line with the expected inclination. Args: figsize (tuple): figure size dimensions save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. """ plot_ordered_mantissas(, figsize=figsize, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs)
[docs] def arc_test(self, grid=True, figsize=12, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None): """Adds two columns to Mantissas's DataFrame equal to their "X" and "Y" coordinates, plots its to a scatter plot and calculates the gravity center of the circle. Args: grid: show grid of the plot. Defaluts to True. figsize (int): size of the figure to be displayed. Since it is a square, there is no need to provide a tuple, like is usually the case with matplotlib. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. """['mant_x'] = cos(2 * pi *['mant_y'] = sin(2 * pi * self.gravity_center = (, plot_mantissa_arc_test(, self.gravity_center, grid=grid, figsize=figsize, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs)
[docs]class Benford(object): """Initializes a Benford Analysis object and computes the proportions for the digits. The tets dataFrames are atributes, i.e., obj.F1D is the First Digit DataFrame, the obj.F2D,the First Two Digits one, and so one, F3D for First Three Digits, SD for Second Digit and L2D for Last Two Digits. Args: data: sequence of numbers to be evaluated. Must be a numpy 1D array, a pandas Series or a tuple with a pandas DataFrame and the name (str) of the chosen column. Values must be integers or floats. decimals: number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign: tells which portion of the data to consider. pos: only the positive entries; neg: only negative entries; all: all entries but zeros. Defaults to all. confidence (int, float): confidence level to draw lower and upper limits when plotting and to limit the top deviations to show, as well as to calculate critical values for the tests' statistics. Defaults to 95. mantissas (bool): opts for also running the mantissas Test. Defaulst to True sec_order: runs the Second Order tests, which are the Benford's tests performed on the differences between the ordered sample (a value minus the one before it, and so on). If the original series is Benford- compliant, this new sequence should aldo follow Beford. The Second Order can also be called separately, through the method sec_order(). summation: creates the Summation DataFrames for the First, First Two, and First Three Digits. The summation tests can also be called separately, through the method summation(). limit_N (int): sets a limit to N as the sample size for the calculation of the Z scores if the sample is too big. Defaults to None. verbose: gives some information about the data and the registries used and discarded for each test. Attributes: data: the raw data provided for the analysis chosen: the column of the DataFrame to be analysed or the data itself sign (str): which number sign(s) to include in the analysis confidence: current confidence level limit_N (int): sample size to use in computations verbose (bool): verbose or not base: the Base, pre-processed object tests (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): keeps track of the tests the instance has """ def __init__(self, data, decimals=2, sign='all', confidence=95, mantissas=True, sec_order=False, summation=False, limit_N=None, verbose=True):, self.chosen = input_data(data) self.decimals = decimals self.sign = sign self.confidence = _check_confidence_(confidence) self.limit_N = limit_N self.verbose = verbose self.base = Base(self.chosen, decimals, sign) self.tests = [] # Create a DatFrame for each Test for key, val in DIGS.items(): test = Test(self.base.loc[self.base[val] != -1], digs=key, confidence=self.confidence, limit_N=self.limit_N) setattr(self, val, test) self.tests.append(val) # dict with the numbers of discarded entries for each test column self._discarded = {key: val for (key, val) in zip(DIGS.values(), [len(self.base[col].loc[self.base[col] == -1]) for col in DIGS.values()])} if self.verbose: print('\n', ' Benford Object Instantiated '.center(50, '#'), '\n') print(f'Initial sample size: {len(self.chosen)}.\n') print(f'Test performed on {len(self.base)} registries.\n') print( f'Number of discarded entries for each test:\n{self._discarded}') if mantissas: self.mantissas() if sec_order: self.sec_order() if summation: self.summation()
[docs] def update_confidence(self, new_conf, tests=None): """Sets (a) new confidence level(s) for the Benford object, so as to be used to produce critical values for the tests. Args: new_conf: new confidence level to draw lower and upper limits when plotting and to limit the top deviations to show, as well as to calculate critical values for the tests' statistics. tests (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of tests names (strings) to have their confidence updated. If only one, provide a one-element list, like ['F1D']. Defauts to None, in which case it will use the instance .test list attribute. Raises: ValueError: if the test argument is not a `list` or `None`. """ self.confidence = _check_confidence_(new_conf) if tests is None: tests = self.tests else: if not isinstance(tests, list): raise ValueError('tests must be a list or None.') for test in tests: try: getattr(self, test).update_confidence( self.confidence, check=False) except AttributeError as e: if test in ['F1D_Summ', 'F2D_Summ', 'F3D_Summ']: pass else: print(e, f"\n\n{test} not in Benford instance tests - " "review test's name.")
@property def all_confidences(self): """dict: a dictionary with a confidence level for each computed tests, when applicable.""" con_dic = {} for key in self.tests: try: con_dic[key] = getattr(self, key).confidence except AttributeError: continue return con_dic
[docs] def mantissas(self): """Adds a Mantissas object to the tests, with all its statistics and plotting capabilities. """ self.Mantissas = Mantissas(self.base.seq.values, self.confidence, self.limit_N) self.tests.append('Mantissas') if self.verbose: print('\nAdded Mantissas test.')
[docs] def sec_order(self): """Runs the Second Order tests, which are the Benford's tests performed on the differences between the ordered sample (a value minus the one before it, and so on). If the original series is Benford- compliant, this new sequence should aldo follow Beford. The Second Order can also be called separately, through the method sec_order(). """ #: Base instance of the differences between the ordered sample self.base_sec = Base(subtract_sorted(self.chosen), decimals=self.decimals, sign=self.sign) for key, val in DIGS.items(): test = Test(self.base_sec.loc[self.base_sec[val] != -1], digs=key, confidence=self.confidence, limit_N=self.limit_N, sec_order=True) setattr(self, SEC_ORDER_DIGS[key], test) self.tests.append(f'{val}_sec') # No need to populate crit_vals dict, since they are the # same and do not depend on N self._discarded_sec = {key: val for (key, val) in zip( SEC_ORDER_DIGS.values(), [sum(self.base_sec[col] == -1) for col in DIGS.values()])} if self.verbose: print(f'\nSecond order tests run in {len(self.base_sec)} ' 'registries.\n\nNumber of discarded entries for second order' f' tests:\n{self._discarded_sec}')
[docs] def summation(self): """Creates Summation test DataFrames from Base object""" for test in ['F1D', 'F2D', 'F3D']: t = f'{test}_Summ' setattr(self, t, Summ(self.base, test)) self.tests.append(t) if self.verbose: print('\nAdded Summation DataFrames to F1D, F2D and F3D Tests.')
[docs]class Source(DataFrame): """Prepares the data for Analysis. pandas DataFrame subclass. Args: data: sequence of numbers to be evaluated. Must be a numpy 1D array, a pandas Series or a pandas DataFrame column, with values being integers or floats. decimals: number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign: tells which portion of the data to consider. pos: only the positive entries; neg: only negative entries; all: all entries but zeros. Defaults to all. sec_order: choice for the Second Order Test, which cumputes the differences between the ordered entries before running the Tests. verbose (bool): tells the number of registries that are being subjected to the analysis; defaults to True. Raises: ValueError: if the `sign` arg is not in ['all', 'pos', 'neg'] TypeError: if not receiving `int` or `float` as input. """ def __init__(self, data, decimals=2, sign='all', sec_order=False, verbose=True, inform=None): if sign not in ['all', 'pos', 'neg']: raise ValueError("The -sign- argument must be " "'all','pos' or 'neg'.") DataFrame.__init__(self, {'seq': data}) if self.seq.dtype != 'float' and self.seq.dtype != 'int': raise TypeError('The sequence dtype was neither int nor float.\n' 'Convert it to whether int or float, and try again.') if sign == 'pos': self.seq = self.seq.loc[self.seq > 0] elif sign == 'neg': self.seq = self.seq.loc[self.seq < 0] else: self.seq = self.seq.loc[self.seq != 0] self.dropna(inplace=True) #: (bool): verbose or not self.verbose = _deprecate_inform_(verbose, inform) if self.verbose: print(f"\nInitialized sequence with {len(self)} registries.") if sec_order: self.seq = subtract_sorted(self.seq.copy()) self.dropna(inplace=True) self.reset_index(inplace=True) if verbose: print('Second Order Test. Initial series reduced ' f'to {len(self.seq)} entries.') ab = self.seq.abs() if self.seq.dtype == 'int': self['ZN'] = ab else: if decimals == 'infer': # There is some numerical issue with Windows that required # implementing it differently (and slower) self['ZN'] = ab.astype(str)\ .str.replace('.', '', regex=False)\ .str.lstrip('0').str[:5]\ .astype(int) else: self['ZN'] = (ab * (10 ** decimals)).astype(int)
[docs] def mantissas(self, report=True, show_plot=True, figsize=(15, 8), save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None): """Calculates the mantissas, their mean and variance, and compares them with the mean and variance of a Benford's sequence. Args: report: prints the mamtissas mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis for the sequence studied, along with reference values. show_plot: plots the ordered mantissas and a line with the expected inclination. Defaults to True. figsize: tuple that sets the figure dimensions. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. """ self['Mant'] = get_mantissas(self.seq.abs()) if report: p = self[['seq', 'Mant']] p = p.loc[p.seq > 0].sort_values('Mant') print(f"The Mantissas MEAN is {p.Mant.mean()}. Ref: 0.5.") print(f"The Mantissas VARIANCE is {p.Mant.var()}. Ref: 0.083333.") print(f"The Mantissas SKEWNESS is {p.Mant.skew()}. \tRef: 0.") print(f"The Mantissas KURTOSIS is {p.Mant.kurt()}. \tRef: -1.2.") if show_plot: plot_ordered_mantissas(self.Mant, figsize=figsize, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs)
[docs] def first_digits(self, digs, confidence=None, high_Z='pos', limit_N=None, MAD=False, MSE=False, chi_square=False, KS=False, show_plot=True, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None, simple=False, bhat_coeff = False, bhat_dist=False, kl_diverg=False, ret_df=False): """Performs the Benford First Digits test with the series of numbers provided, and populates the mapping dict for future selection of the original series. Args: digs (int): number of first digits to consider. Must be 1 (first digit), 2 (first two digits) or 3 (first three digits). verbose (bool): tells the number of registries that are being subjected to the analysis; defaults to True confidence (int, float): confidence level to draw lower and upper limits when plotting and to limit the top deviations to show, as well as to calculate critical values for the tests' statistics. Defaults to None. high_Z (int): chooses which Z scores to be used when displaying results, according to the confidence level chosen. Defaluts to 'pos', which will highlight only values higher than the expexted frequencies; 'all' will highlight both extremes (positive and negative); and an integer, which will use the first n entries, positive and negative, regardless of whether Z is higher than the confidence or not. limit_N (int): sets a limit to N as the sample size for the calculation of the Z scores if the sample is too big. Defaults to None. MAD (bool): calculates the Mean Absolute Difference between the found and the expected distributions; defaults to False. MSE (bool): calculates the Mean Square Error of the sample; defaults to False. bhat_coeff (bool): computes the Bhattacharyya Coefficient between the found and the expected (Benford) digits distribution; defaults to Fasle bhat_dist (bool): calculates the Bhattacharyya Distance between the found and the expected (Benford) digits distribution; defaults to Fasle kl_diverg (bool): calculates the Kulback-Laibler Divergence between the found and the expected (Benford) digits distribution; defaults to False show_plot (bool): draws the test plot. Defaults to True. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. ret_df: returns the test DataFrame. Defaults to False. True if run by the test function. Returns: DataFrame with the Expected and Found proportions, and the Z scores of the differences """ # Check on the possible values for confidence levels confidence = _check_confidence_(confidence) # Check on possible digits _check_digs_(digs) temp = self.loc[self.ZN >= 10 ** (digs - 1)] temp[DIGS[digs]] = (temp.ZN // 10 ** ((log10(temp.ZN).astype( int)) - (digs - 1))).astype( int) n, m = 10 ** (digs - 1), 10 ** (digs) x = arange(n, m) if simple: self.verbose = False show_plot = False df = prepare(temp[DIGS[digs]], digs, limit_N=limit_N, simple=True) else: N, df = prepare(temp[DIGS[digs]], digs, limit_N=limit_N, simple=False) if self.verbose: print(f"\nTest performed on {len(temp)} registries.\n" f"Discarded {len(self) - len(temp)} records < {10 ** (digs - 1)}" " after preparation.") if confidence is not None: _inform_(df, high_Z=high_Z, conf=CONFS[confidence]) # Mean absolute difference if MAD: self.MAD = df.AbsDif.mean() if self.verbose: _report_mad_(digs, self.MAD) # Mean Square Error if MSE: self.MSE = (df.AbsDif ** 2).mean() # Chi-square statistic if chi_square: self.chi_square = chi_sq(df, ddf=len(df) - 1, confidence=confidence, verbose=self.verbose) # KS test if KS: self.KS = kolmogorov_smirnov(df, confidence=confidence, N=len(temp), verbose=self.verbose) if bhat_coeff: self.bhat_coeff = _bhattacharyya_coefficient( df.Found.values, df.Expected.values) if bhat_dist: self.bhat_dist = _bhattacharyya_distance_( df.Found.values, df.Expected.values) if kl_diverg: self.kl_diverg = _kullback_leibler_divergence_( df.Found.values, df.Expected.values) # Plotting the expected frequncies (line) against the found ones(bars) if show_plot: plot_digs(df, x=x, y_Exp=df.Expected, y_Found=df.Found, N=N, figsize=(2 * (digs ** 2 + 5), 1.5 * (digs ** 2 + 5)), conf_Z=CONFS[confidence], save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs) if ret_df: return df
[docs] def second_digit(self, confidence=None, high_Z='pos', limit_N=None, MAD=False, MSE=False, chi_square=False, KS=False, bhat_coeff=False, bhat_dist=False, kl_diverg=False, show_plot=True, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None, simple=False, ret_df=False): """Performs the Benford Second Digit test with the series of numbers provided. Args: verbose (bool): tells the number of registries that are being subjected to the analysis; defaults to True MAD (bool): calculates the Mean Absolute Difference between the found and the expected distributions; defaults to False. confidence (int, float): confidence level to draw lower and upper limits when plotting and to limit the top deviations to show, as well as to calculate critical values for the tests' statistics. Defaults to None. high_Z (int): chooses which Z scores to be used when displaying results, according to the confidence level chosen. Defaluts to 'pos', which will highlight only values higher than the expexted frequencies; 'all' will highlight both extremes (positive and negative); and an integer, which will use the first n entries, positive and negative, regardless of whether Z is higher than the confidence or not. limit_N (int): sets a limit to N as the sample size for the calculation of the Z scores if the sample is too big. Defaults to None. MSE (bool): calculates the Mean Square Error of the sample; defaults to False. bhat_coeff (bool): computes the Bhattacharyya Coefficient between the found and the expected (Benford) digits distribution; defaults to Fasle bhat_dist (bool): calculates the Bhattacharyya Distance between the found and the expected (Benford) digits distribution; defaults to Fasle kl_diverg (bool): calculates the Kulback-Laibler Divergence between the found and the expected (Benford) digits distribution; defaults to False show_plot (bool): draws the test plot. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. ret_df: returns the test DataFrame. Defaults to False. True if run by the test function. Returns: DataFrame with the Expected and Found proportions, and the Z scores of the differences """ confidence = _check_confidence_(confidence) conf = CONFS[confidence] temp = self.loc[self.ZN >= 10, :] temp['SD'] = (temp.ZN // 10 ** ((log10(temp.ZN)).astype( int) - 1)) % 10 if simple: self.verbose = False show_plot = False df = prepare(temp['SD'], 22, limit_N=limit_N, simple=True) else: N, df = prepare(temp['SD'], 22, limit_N=limit_N, simple=False) if self.verbose: print(f"\nTest performed on {len(temp)} registries.\nDiscarded " f"{len(self) - len(temp)} records < 10 after preparation.") if confidence is not None: _inform_(df, high_Z, conf) # Mean absolute difference if MAD: self.MAD = df.AbsDif.mean() if self.verbose: _report_mad_(22, self.MAD) # Mean Square Error if MSE: self.MSE = (df.AbsDif ** 2).mean() # Chi-square statistic if chi_square: self.chi_square = chi_sq(df, ddf=9, confidence=confidence, verbose=self.verbose) # KS test if KS: self.KS = kolmogorov_smirnov(df, confidence=confidence, N=len(temp), verbose=self.verbose) if bhat_coeff: self.bhat_coeff = _bhattacharyya_coefficient( df.Found.values, df.Expected.values) if bhat_dist: self.bhat_dist = _bhattacharyya_distance_( df.Found.values, df.Expected.values ) if kl_diverg: self.kl_diverg = _kullback_leibler_divergence_( df.Found.values, df.Expected.values ) # Plotting the expected frequncies (line) against the found ones(bars) if show_plot: plot_digs(df, x=arange(0, 10), y_Exp=df.Expected, y_Found=df.Found, N=N, figsize=(10, 6), conf_Z=conf, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs) if ret_df: return df
[docs] def last_two_digits(self, confidence=None, high_Z='pos', limit_N=None, MAD=False, MSE=False, chi_square=False, KS=False, bhat_coeff=False, bhat_dist=False, kl_diverg=False, show_plot=True, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None, simple=False, ret_df=False): """Performs the Benford Last Two Digits test with the series of numbers provided. Args: verbose (bool): tells the number of registries that are being subjected to the analysis; defaults to True MAD (bool): calculates the Mean Absolute Difference between the found and the expected distributions; defaults to False. confidence (int, float): confidence level to draw lower and upper limits when plotting and to limit the top deviations to show, as well as to calculate critical values for the tests' statistics. Defaults to None. high_Z (int): chooses which Z scores to be used when displaying results, according to the confidence level chosen. Defaluts to 'pos', which will highlight only values higher than the expexted frequencies; 'all' will highlight both extremes (positive and negative); and an integer, which will use the first n entries, positive and negative, regardless of whether Z is higher than the confidence or not. limit_N (int): sets a limit to N as the sample size for the calculation of the Z scores if the sample is too big. Defaults to None. MSE (bool): calculates the Mean Square Error of the sample; defaults to False. bhat_coeff (bool): computes the Bhattacharyya Coefficient between the found and the expected (Benford) digits distribution; defaults to Fasle bhat_dist (bool): calculates the Bhattacharyya Distance between the found and the expected (Benford) digits distribution; defaults to Fasle kl_diverg (bool): calculates the Kulback-Laibler Divergence between the found and the expected (Benford) digits distribution; defaults to False show_plot (bool): draws the test plot. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. Returns: DataFrame with the Expected and Found proportions, and the Z scores of the differences """ confidence = _check_confidence_(confidence) conf = CONFS[confidence] temp = self.loc[self.ZN >= 1000] temp['L2D'] = temp.ZN % 100 if simple: self.verbose = False show_plot = False df = prepare(temp['L2D'], -2, limit_N=limit_N, simple=True) else: N, df = prepare(temp['L2D'], -2, limit_N=limit_N, simple=False) if self.verbose: print(f"\nTest performed on {len(temp)} registries.\n\nDiscarded " f"{len(self) - len(temp)} records < 1000 after preparation") if confidence is not None: _inform_(df, high_Z, conf) # Mean absolute difference if MAD: self.MAD = df.AbsDif.mean() if self.verbose: _report_mad_(-2, self.MAD) # Mean Square Error if MSE: self.MSE = (df.AbsDif ** 2).mean() # Chi-square statistic if chi_square: self.chi_square = chi_sq(df, ddf=99, confidence=confidence, verbose=self.verbose) # KS test if KS: self.KS = kolmogorov_smirnov(df, confidence=confidence, N=len(temp), verbose=self.verbose) if bhat_coeff: self.bhat_coeff = _bhattacharyya_coefficient( df.Found.values, df.Expected.values) if bhat_dist: self.bhat_dist = _bhattacharyya_distance_( df.Found.values, df.Expected.values) if kl_diverg: self.kl_diverg = _kullback_leibler_divergence_( df.Found.values, df.Expected.values) # Plotting expected frequencies (line) versus found ones (bars) if show_plot: plot_digs(df, x=arange(0, 100), y_Exp=df.Expected, y_Found=df.Found, N=N, figsize=(15, 5), conf_Z=conf, text_x=True, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs) if ret_df: return df
[docs] def summation(self, digs=2, top=20, show_plot=True, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None, ret_df=False): """Performs the Summation test. In a Benford series, the sums of the entries begining with the same digits tends to be the same. Args: digs: tells the first digits to use. 1- first; 2- first two; 3- first three. Defaults to 2. top: choses how many top values to show. Defaults to 20. show_plot: plots the results. Defaults to True. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. Returns: DataFrame with the Expected and Found proportions, and their absolute differences """ _check_digs_(digs) if digs == 1: top = 9 # Call the dict for F1D, F2D, F3D d = DIGS[digs] if d not in self.columns: self[d] = self.ZN.astype(str).str[:digs].astype(int) # Call the expected proportion according to digs li = 1. / (9 * (10 ** (digs - 1))) df = self.groupby(d).sum() # s.drop(0, inplace=True) df['Percent'] = df.ZN / df.ZN.sum() df.columns.values[1] = 'Summ' df = df[['Summ', 'Percent']] df['AbsDif'] = (df.Percent - li).abs() if self.verbose: # N = len(self) print(f"\nTest performed on {len(self)} registries.\n") print(f"The top {top} diferences are:\n") print(df[:top]) if show_plot: plot_sum(df, figsize=( 2 * (digs ** 2 + 5), 1.5 * (digs ** 2 + 5)), li=li, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs) if ret_df: return df
[docs] def duplicates(self, top_Rep=20, inform=None): """Performs a duplicates test and maps the duplicates count in descending order. Args: verbose (bool): tells how many duplicated entries were found and prints the top numbers according to the top_Rep argument. Defaluts to True. top_Rep: int or None. Chooses how many duplicated entries will be shown withe the top repititions. Defaluts to 20. If None, returns al the ordered repetitions. Returns: DataFrame with the duplicated records and their occurrence counts, in descending order (if verbose is False; if True, prints to terminal). Raises: ValueError: if the `top_Rep` arg is not int or None. """ if top_Rep is not None and not isinstance(top_Rep, int): raise ValueError('The top_Rep argument must be an int or None.') dup = self[['seq']][self.seq.duplicated(keep=False)] dup_count = dup.groupby(self.seq).count() dup_count.index.names = ['Entries'] dup_count.rename(columns={'seq': 'Count'}, inplace=True) dup_count.sort_values('Count', ascending=False, inplace=True) # self.maps['dup'] = dup_count.index[:top_Rep].values # array if self.verbose: print(f'\nFound {len(dup_count)} duplicated entries.\n' f'The entries with the {top_Rep} highest repitition counts are:') print(dup_count.head(top_Rep)) else: return dup_count
[docs]class Roll_mad(object): """Applies the MAD to sequential subsets of the Series, returning another Series. Args: data: sequence of numbers to be evaluated. Must be a numpy 1D array, a pandas Series or a pandas DataFrame column, with values being integers or floats. test: tells which test to use. 1: Fisrt Digits; 2: First Two Digits; 3: First Three Digits; 22: Second Digit; and -2: Last Two Digits. window: size of the subset to be used. decimals: number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign: tells which portion of the data to consider. pos: only the positive entries; neg: only negative entries; all: all entries but zeros. Defaults to all. """ def __init__(self, data, test, window, decimals=2, sign='all'): #: the test (F1D, SD, F2D...) used for the MAD calculation and critical values self.test = _check_test_(test) if not isinstance(data, Source): data = Source(data, sign=sign, decimals=decimals, verbose=False) Exp, ind = prep_to_roll(data, self.test) self.roll_series = data[DIGS[test]].rolling( window=window).apply(mad_to_roll, args=(Exp, ind), raw=False) self.roll_series.dropna(inplace=True)
[docs] def show_plot(self, figsize=(15, 8), save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None): """Shows the rolling MAD plot Args: figsize: the figure dimensions. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. """ plot_roll_mad(self, figsize=figsize, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs)
[docs]class Roll_mse(object): """Applies the MSE to sequential subsets of the Series, returning another Series. Args: data: sequence of numbers to be evaluated. Must be a numpy 1D array, a pandas Series or a pandas DataFrame column, with values being integers or floats. test: tells which test to use. 1: Fisrt Digits; 2: First Two Digits; 3: First Three Digits; 22: Second Digit; and -2: Last Two Digits. window: size of the subset to be used. decimals: number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign: tells which portion of the data to consider. 'pos': only the positive entries; 'neg': only negative entries; 'all': all entries but zeros. Defaults to 'all'. """ def __init__(self, data, test, window, decimals=2, sign='all'): test = _check_test_(test) if not isinstance(data, Source): data = Source(data, sign=sign, decimals=decimals, verbose=False) Exp, ind = prep_to_roll(data, test) self.roll_series = data[DIGS[test]].rolling( window=window).apply(mse_to_roll, args=(Exp, ind), raw=False) self.roll_series.dropna(inplace=True)
[docs] def show_plot(self, figsize=(15, 8), save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None): """Shows the rolling MSE plot Args: figsize: the figure dimensions. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. """ plot_roll_mse(self.roll_series, figsize=figsize, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs)
[docs]def first_digits(data, digs, decimals=2, sign='all', verbose=True, confidence=None, high_Z='pos', limit_N=None, MAD=False, MSE=False, chi_square=False, KS=False, show_plot=True, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None, inform=None): """Performs the Benford First Digits test on the series of numbers provided. Args: data: sequence of numbers to be evaluated. Must be a numpy 1D array, a pandas Series or a pandas DataFrame column, with values being integers or floats. decimals: number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign: tells which portion of the data to consider. 'pos': only the positive entries; 'neg': only negative entries; 'all': all entries but zeros. Defaults to 'all'. digs (int): number of first digits to consider. Must be 1 (first digit), 2 (first two digits) or 3 (first three digits). verbose (bool): tells the number of registries that are being subjected to the analysis and returns tha analysis DataFrame sorted by the highest Z score down. Defaults to True. MAD (bool): calculates the Mean Absolute Difference between the found and the expected distributions; defaults to False. confidence (int, float): confidence level to draw lower and upper limits when plotting and to limit the top deviations to show. Defaults to None. high_Z (int): chooses which Z scores to be used when displaying results, according to the confidence level chosen. Defaluts to 'pos', which will highlight only values higher than the expexted frequencies; 'all' will highlight both extremes (positive and negative); and an integer, which will use the first n entries, positive and negative, regardless of whether Z is higher than the confidence or not. limit_N (int): sets a limit to N as the sample size for the calculation of the Z scores if the sample is too big. Defaults to None. MSE (bool): calculates the Mean Square Error of the sample; defaults to False. chi_square: calculates the chi_square statistic of the sample and compares it with a critical value, according to the confidence level chosen and the series's degrees of freedom. Defaults to False. Requires confidence != None. KS: calculates the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, comparing the cumulative distribution of the sample with the Benford's, according to the confidence level chosen. Defaults to False. Requires confidence != None. show_plot (bool): draws the test plot. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. Returns: DataFrame with the Expected and Found proportions, and the Z scores of the differences if the confidence is not None. """ verbose = _deprecate_inform_(verbose, inform) if not isinstance(data, Source): data = Source(data, decimals=decimals, sign=sign, verbose=verbose) data = data.first_digits(digs, confidence=confidence, high_Z=high_Z, limit_N=limit_N, MAD=MAD, MSE=MSE, chi_square=chi_square, KS=KS, show_plot=show_plot, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs, ret_df=True) if confidence is not None: data = data[['Counts', 'Found', 'Expected', 'Z_score']] return data.sort_values('Z_score', ascending=False) else: return data[['Counts', 'Found', 'Expected']]
[docs]def second_digit(data, decimals=2, sign='all', verbose=True, confidence=None, high_Z='pos', limit_N=None, MAD=False, MSE=False, chi_square=False, KS=False, show_plot=True, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None, inform=None): """Performs the Benford Second Digits test on the series of numbers provided. Args: data: sequence of numbers to be evaluated. Must be a numpy 1D array, a pandas Series or a pandas DataFrame column, with values being integers or floats. decimals: number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign: tells which portion of the data to consider. 'pos': only the positive entries; 'neg': only negative entries; 'all': all entries but zeros. Defaults to 'all'. verbose (bool): tells the number of registries that are being subjected to the analysis and returns tha analysis DataFrame sorted by the highest Z score down. Defaults to True. MAD (bool): calculates the Mean Absolute Difference between the found and the expected distributions; defaults to False. confidence (int, float): confidence level to draw lower and upper limits when plotting and to limit the top deviations to show. Defaults to None. high_Z (int): chooses which Z scores to be used when displaying results, according to the confidence level chosen. Defaluts to 'pos', which will highlight only values higher than the expexted frequencies; 'all' will highlight both extremes (positive and negative); and an integer, which will use the first n entries, positive and negative, regardless of whether Z is higher than the confidence or not. limit_N (int): sets a limit to N as the sample size for the calculation of the Z scores if the sample is too big. Defaults to None. MSE (bool): calculates the Mean Square Error of the sample; defaults to False. chi_square: calculates the chi_square statistic of the sample and compares it with a critical value, according to the confidence level chosen and the series's degrees of freedom. Defaults to False. Requires confidence != None. KS: calculates the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, comparing the cumulative distribution of the sample with the Benford's, according to the confidence level chosen. Defaults to False. Requires confidence != None. show_plot (bool): draws the test plot. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. Returns: DataFrame with the Expected and Found proportions, and the Z scores of the differences if the confidence is not None. """ verbose = _deprecate_inform_(verbose, inform) if not isinstance(data, Source): data = Source(data, sign=sign, decimals=decimals, verbose=verbose) data = data.second_digit(confidence=confidence, high_Z=high_Z, limit_N=limit_N, MAD=MAD, MSE=MSE, chi_square=chi_square, KS=KS, show_plot=show_plot, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs, ret_df=True) if confidence is not None: data = data[['Counts', 'Found', 'Expected', 'Z_score']] return data.sort_values('Z_score', ascending=False) else: return data[['Counts', 'Found', 'Expected']]
[docs]def last_two_digits(data, decimals=2, sign='all', verbose=True, confidence=None, high_Z='pos', limit_N=None, MAD=False, MSE=False, chi_square=False, KS=False, show_plot=True, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None, inform=None): """Performs the Last Two Digits test on the series of numbers provided. Args: data: sequence of numbers to be evaluated. Must be a numpy 1D array, a pandas Series or a pandas DataFrame column,with values being integers or floats. decimals: number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign: tells which portion of the data to consider. 'pos': only the positive entries; 'neg': only negative entries; 'all': all entries but zeros. Defaults to 'all'. verbose (bool): tells the number of registries that are being subjected to the analysis and returns tha analysis DataFrame sorted by the highest Z score down. Defaults to True. confidence (int, float): confidence level to draw lower and upper limits when plotting and to limit the top deviations to show. Defaults to None. high_Z (int): chooses which Z scores to be used when displaying results, according to the confidence level chosen. Defaluts to 'pos', which will highlight only values higher than the expexted frequencies; 'all' will highlight both extremes (positive and negative); and an integer, which will use the first n entries, positive and negative, regardless of whether Z is higher than the confidence or not. limit_N (int): sets a limit to N as the sample size for the calculation of the Z scores if the sample is too big. Defaults to None. MAD (bool): calculates the Mean Absolute Difference between the found and the expected distributions; defaults to False. MSE (bool): calculates the Mean Square Error of the sample; defaults to False. chi_square: calculates the chi_square statistic of the sample and compares it with a critical value, according to the confidence level chosen and the series's degrees of freedom. Defaults to False. Requires confidence != None. KS: calculates the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, comparing the cumulative distribution of the sample with the Benford's, according to the confidence level chosen. Defaults to False. Requires confidence != None. show_plot (bool): draws the test plot. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. Returns: DataFrame with the Expected and Found proportions, and the Z scores of the differences if the confidence is not None. """ verbose = _deprecate_inform_(verbose, inform) if not isinstance(data, Source): data = Source(data, decimals=decimals, sign=sign, verbose=verbose) data = data.last_two_digits(confidence=confidence, high_Z=high_Z, limit_N=limit_N, MAD=MAD, MSE=MSE, chi_square=chi_square, KS=KS, show_plot=show_plot, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs, ret_df=True) if confidence is not None: data = data[['Counts', 'Found', 'Expected', 'Z_score']] return data.sort_values('Z_score', ascending=False) else: return data[['Counts', 'Found', 'Expected']]
[docs]def mantissas(data, report=True, show_plot=True, arc_test=True, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None, inform=None): """Extraxts the mantissas of the records logarithms Args: data: sequence to compute mantissas from, numpy 1D array, pandas Series of pandas DataFrame column. report: prints the mamtissas mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis for the sequence studied, along with reference values. show_plot: plots the ordered mantissas and a line with the expected inclination. Defaults to True. arc_test: draws the Arc Test plot. Defaluts to True. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. Returns: Series with the data mantissas. """ report = _deprecate_inform_(report, inform) mant = Mantissas(data) if report:, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs) if show_plot: mant.show_plot(save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs) if arc_test: mant.arc_test(save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs) return mant
[docs]def summation(data, digs=2, decimals=2, sign='all', top=20, verbose=True, show_plot=True, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None, inform=None): """Performs the Summation test. In a Benford series, the sums of the entries begining with the same digits tends to be the same. Works only with the First Digits (1, 2 or 3) test. Args: digs: tells the first digits to use: 1- first; 2- first two; 3- first three. Defaults to 2. decimals: number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. top: choses how many top values to show. Defaults to 20. show_plot: plots the results. Defaults to True. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. Returns: DataFrame with the Summation test, whether sorted in descending order (if verbose == True) or not. """ verbose = _deprecate_inform_(verbose, inform) if not isinstance(data, Source): data = Source(data, sign=sign, decimals=decimals, verbose=verbose) data = data.summation(digs=digs, top=top, show_plot=show_plot, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs, ret_df=True) if verbose: return data.sort_values('AbsDif', ascending=False) else: return data
[docs]def mad(data, test, decimals=2, sign='all', verbose=False): """Calculates the Mean Absolute Deviation of the Series Args: data: sequence of numbers to be evaluated. Must be a numpy 1D array, a pandas Series or a pandas DataFrame column, with values being integers or floats. test: informs which base test to use for the mad. decimals: number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign: tells which portion of the data to consider. pos: only the positive entries; neg: only negative entries; all: all entries but zeros. Defaults to all. Returns: float: the Mean Absolute Deviation of the Series """ data = _check_num_array_(data) test = _check_test_(test) start = Source(data, sign=sign, decimals=decimals, verbose=verbose) if test in [1, 2, 3]: start.first_digits(digs=test, MAD=True, MSE=True, simple=True) elif test == 22: start.second_digit(MAD=True, MSE=False, simple=True) else: start.last_two_digits(MAD=True, MSE=False, simple=True) return start.MAD
[docs]def mse(data, test, decimals=2, sign='all', verbose=False): """Calculates the Mean Squared Error of the Series Args: data: sequence of numbers to be evaluated. Must be a numpy 1D array, a pandas Series or a pandas DataFrame column, with values being integers or floats. test: informs which base test to use for the mad. decimals: number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign: tells which portion of the data to consider. pos: only the positive entries; neg: only negative entries; all: all entries but zeros. Defaults to all. Returns: float: the Mean Squared Error of the Series """ data = _check_num_array_(data) test = _check_test_(test) start = Source(data, sign=sign, decimals=decimals, verbose=verbose) if test in [1, 2, 3]: start.first_digits(digs=test, MAD=False, MSE=True, simple=True) elif test == 22: start.second_digit(MAD=False, MSE=True, simple=True) else: start.last_two_digits(MAD=False, MSE=True, simple=True) return start.MSE
[docs]def bhattacharyya_distance(data, test, decimals, sign="all", verbose=False): """Computes the Bhattacharyya Distance between the Found and the Expected (Benford) digits distributions, according toe the test chosen (First, Second, First Two...) Args: data (ndarray, Series): sequence to be evaluated, with values being integers or floats. test (int, str): informs which base test to be used. decimals (int): number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign (str, optional): tells which portion of the data to consider. pos: only the positive entries; neg: only negative entries; all: all entries but zeros. Defaults to "all". Returns: float: the Bhattacharyya Distance between the distributions """ data = _check_num_array_(data) test = _check_test_(test) start = Source(data, sign=sign, decimals=decimals, verbose=verbose) if test in [1, 2, 3]: start.first_digits(digs=test, MAD=False, bhat_dist=True, simple=True) elif test == 22: start.second_digit(MAD=False, bhat_dist=True, simple=True) else: start.last_two_digits(MAD=False, bhat_dist=True, simple=True) return start.bhat_dist
[docs]def kullback_leibler_divergence(data, test, decimals, sign="all", verbose=False): """Computes the Kulback-Leibler Divergence between the Found and the Expected (Benford) digits distributions, according toe the test chosen (First, Second, First Two...). Args: data (ndarray, Series): sequence to be evaluated, with values being integers or floats. test (int, str): informs which base test to be used. decimals (int): number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign (str, optional): tells which portion of the data to consider. pos: only the positive entries; neg: only negative entries; all: all entries but zeros. Defaults to "all". Returns: float: the Kulback-Leibler Divergence between the distributions """ data = _check_num_array_(data) test = _check_test_(test) start = Source(data, sign=sign, decimals=decimals, verbose=verbose) if test in [1, 2, 3]: start.first_digits(digs=test, MAD=False, kl_diverg=True, simple=True) elif test == 22: start.second_digit(MAD=False, kl_diverg=True, simple=True) else: start.last_two_digits(MAD=False, kl_diverg=True, simple=True) return start.kl_diverg
[docs]def mad_summ(data, test, decimals=2, sign='all', verbose=False): """Calculate the Mean Absolute Deviation of the Summation Test Args: data: sequence of numbers to be evaluated. Must be a numpy 1D array, a pandas Series or a pandas DataFrame column, with values being integers or floats. test: informs which base test to use for the summation mad. decimals: number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign: tells which portion of the data to consider. pos: only the positive entries; neg: only negative entries; all: all entries but zeros. Defaults to all. Returns: float: the Mean Absolute Deviation of the Summation Test """ data = _check_num_array_(data) test = _check_digs_(test) start = Source(data, sign=sign, decimals=decimals, verbose=verbose) temp = start.loc[start.ZN >= 10 ** (test - 1)] temp[DIGS[test]] = (temp.ZN // 10 ** ((log10(temp.ZN).astype( int)) - (test - 1))).astype( int) li = 1. / (9 * (10 ** (test - 1))) df = temp.groupby(DIGS[test]).sum() return mean(abs(df.ZN / df.ZN.sum() - li))
[docs]def rolling_mad(data, test, window, decimals=2, sign='all', show_plot=False, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None): """Applies the MAD to sequential subsets of the records. Args: data: sequence of numbers to be evaluated. Must be a numpy 1D array, a pandas Series or a pandas DataFrame column, with values being integers or floats. test: tells which test to use. 1: Fisrt Digits; 2: First Two Digits; 3: First Three Digits; 22: Second Digit; and -2: Last Two Digits. window: size of the subset to be used. decimals: number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign: tells which portion of the data to consider. pos: only the positive entries; neg: only negative entries; all: all entries but zeros. Defaults to all. show_plot (bool): draws the test plot. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. Returns: Series with sequentially computed MADs. """ data = _check_num_array_(data) r_mad = Roll_mad(data, test, window, decimals, sign) if show_plot: r_mad.show_plot(save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs) return r_mad.roll_series
[docs]def rolling_mse(data, test, window, decimals=2, sign='all', show_plot=False, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None): """Applies the MSE to sequential subsets of the records. Args: data: sequence of numbers to be evaluated. Must be a numpy 1D array, a pandas Series or a pandas DataFrame column, with values being integers or floats. test: tells which test to use. 1: Fisrt Digits; 2: First Two Digits; 3: First Three Digits; 22: Second Digit; and -2: Last Two Digits. window: size of the subset to be used. decimals: number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign: tells which portion of the data to consider. pos: only the positive entries; neg: only negative entries; all: all entries but zeros. Defaults to all. show_plot (bool): draws the test plot. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. Returns: Series with sequentially computed MSEs. """ data = _check_num_array_(data) r_mse = Roll_mse(data, test, window, decimals, sign) if show_plot: r_mse.show_plot(save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs) return r_mse.roll_series
[docs]def duplicates(data, top_Rep=20, verbose=True, inform=None): """Performs a duplicates test and maps the duplicates count in descending order. Args: data: sequence to take the duplicates from. pandas Series or numpy Ndarray. verbose (bool): tells how many duplicated entries were found and prints the top numbers according to the top_Rep argument. Defaluts to True. top_Rep: chooses how many duplicated entries will be shown withe the top repititions. int or None. Defaluts to 20. If None, returns al the ordered repetitions. Returns: DataFrame with the duplicated records and their respective counts Raises: ValueError: if the `top_Rep` arg is not int or None. """ verbose = _deprecate_inform_(verbose, inform) if top_Rep is not None and not isinstance(top_Rep, int): raise ValueError('The top_Rep argument must be an int or None.') if not isinstance(data, Series): try: data = Series(data) except ValueError: print('\ndata must be a numpy Ndarray or a pandas Series.') dup = data.loc[data.duplicated(keep=False)] dup_count = dup.value_counts() dup_count.index.names = ['Entries'] = 'Count' if verbose: print(f'\nFound {len(dup_count)} duplicated entries.\n' f'The entries with the {top_Rep} highest repitition counts are:') print(dup_count.head(top_Rep)) return dup_count
[docs]def second_order(data, test, decimals=2, sign='all', verbose=True, MAD=False, confidence=None, high_Z='pos', limit_N=None, MSE=False, show_plot=True, save_plot=None, save_plot_kwargs=None, inform=None): """Performs the chosen test after subtracting the ordered sequence by itself. Hence Second Order. Args: data: sequence of numbers to be evaluated. Must be a numpy 1D array, a pandas Series or a pandas DataFrame column, with values being integers or floats. test: the test to be performed - 1 or 'F1D': First Digit; 2 or 'F2D': First Two Digits; 3 or 'F3D': First three Digits; 22 or 'SD': Second Digits; -2 or 'L2D': Last Two Digits. decimals: number of decimal places to consider. Defaluts to 2. If integers, set to 0. If set to -infer-, it will remove the zeros and consider up to the fifth decimal place to the right, but will loose performance. sign: tells which portion of the data to consider. pos: only the positive entries; neg: only negative entries; all: all entries but zeros. Defaults to all. verbose (bool): tells the number of registries that are being subjected to the analysis and returns tha analysis DataFrame sorted by the highest Z score down. Defaults to True. MAD (bool): calculates the Mean Absolute Difference between the found and the expected distributions; defaults to False. confidence (int, float): confidence level to draw lower and upper limits when plotting and to limit the top deviations to show. Defaults to None. high_Z (int): chooses which Z scores to be used when displaying results, according to the confidence level chosen. Defaluts to 'pos', which will highlight only values higher than the expexted frequencies; 'all' will highlight both extremes (positive and negative); and an integer, which will use the first n entries, positive and negative, regardless of whether Z is higher than the confidence or not. limit_N (int): sets a limit to N as the sample size for the calculation of the Z scores if the sample is too big. Defaults to None. MSE (bool): calculates the Mean Square Error of the sample; defaults to False. chi_square: calculates the chi_square statistic of the sample and compares it with a critical value, according to the confidence level chosen and the series's degrees of freedom. Defaults to False. Requires confidence != None. KS: calculates the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, comparing the cumulative distribution of the sample with the Benford's, according to the confidence level chosen. Defaults to False. Requires confidence != None. show_plot (bool): draws the test plot. save_plot (str): string with the path/name of the file in which the generated plot will be saved. Uses matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(). File format is infered by the file name extension. Only available when plot=True. save_plot_kwargs (dict): any of the kwargs accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.savefig() Only available when plot=True and save_plot is a string with the figure file path/name. Returns: DataFrame of the test chosen, but applied on Second Order pre- processed data. """ test = _check_test_(test) verbose = _deprecate_inform_(verbose, inform) data = Source(data, decimals=decimals, sign=sign, sec_order=True, verbose=verbose) if test in [1, 2, 3]: data.first_digits(digs=test, MAD=MAD, confidence=confidence, high_Z=high_Z, limit_N=limit_N, MSE=MSE, show_plot=show_plot, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs) elif test == 22: data.second_digit(MAD=MAD, confidence=confidence, high_Z=high_Z, limit_N=limit_N, MSE=MSE, show_plot=show_plot, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs) else: data.last_two_digits(MAD=MAD, confidence=confidence, high_Z=high_Z, limit_N=limit_N, MSE=MSE, show_plot=show_plot, save_plot=save_plot, save_plot_kwargs=save_plot_kwargs) return data